Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween & crew

my class for Halloween

me & crew for his blessing

our friend Jesslyn
we were babies for Halloween

I havn't posted in a while because I keep getting grounded from the computer. here are somwe pictures of me with crew and at Halloween.


K.J. said...

We were twins! I was a baby for Halloween, too!

Amandawhatever said...

hi i am amanda you have not met me i wanted to meet you i did a comment on your sisters blog too go on to my blog:


Amandawhatever said...

sorry i am lonica's friend see ya love amandamingl

Amandawhatever said...

HI it is amanda i am lonica's friend happy thanksgiving go to my blog

www.thisisthelifeofmanda.blogspot.com well see ya love amanda mingl